Magnitude 34 Earthquake Strikes East Of San Jose

How to Survive a Natural Disaster

Before the Disaster

Planning and preparation are essential for surviving a natural disaster. Create an emergency plan that includes designated meeting places, emergency contact information, and a list of essential items to gather. Assemble an emergency kit with food, water, first aid supplies, and other necessities. Secure your home by reinforcing windows and doors, and elevate important belongings off the floor.

Stay informed about potential hazards in your area and monitor weather forecasts. Identify safe evacuation routes and familiarize yourself with local emergency shelters. Consider purchasing disaster insurance to protect your property and belongings.

During the Disaster


If an earthquake occurs, Drop, Cover, and Hold On. Protect yourself from falling debris by finding cover under a sturdy table or desk. Stay away from windows, outside doors, and unreinforced walls.

After the shaking stops, check for injuries and damage. If possible, turn off gas, electricity, and water. If you are in a building, do not use elevators. Evacuate the building only if it is safe to do so.


If flooding is imminent, move to higher ground immediately. Do not attempt to drive through flooded areas. Turn off electricity at the main breaker. Secure loose objects and elevate valuables to higher levels.

Be aware of potential hazards such as downed power lines and contaminated water. Listen to local authorities for updates and instructions. If necessary, evacuate to a designated shelter.


If a wildfire approaches, evacuate immediately. Follow instructions from local authorities and law enforcement. Do not attempt to fight the fire yourself. Turn off gas and electricity, and gather essential belongings.

Wear protective clothing, including long pants, a long-sleeved shirt, and a bandana or mask to cover your face. Stay informed about the fire's progress and evacuation routes.

After the Disaster

Once the immediate danger has passed, focus on recovery and safety. Check for injuries and seek medical attention if necessary. Contact family and friends to let them know you are safe.

Cooperate with emergency responders and follow their instructions. Avoid entering damaged buildings or areas. Be aware of potential hazards such as debris, downed power lines, and contaminated water.

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